Saturday, June 15, 2013


       June 15, 2013
I was going for my usual cup of coffee at Starbucks. When I got out of the car there was a woman, Judy and her granddaughter sitting out front and the granddaughter was holding a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy. I had to go over and check it out.

3 Weeks Old
I got to talking with Judy and she raised Cavaliers. I told her that I was very interested and she didn't have any at this time, but she new a lady in Cresent that was having puppies today. The father to them was one of her puppies.

I waited a couple of weeks, well 3 to be exact and I eMailed Judy from her website. She gave me Rhonda's phone number and I called and she said that the one puppy has not been sold. This has to be fate..... She sent me pictures, I feel in love. I went to see and put my deposit down on Faith. Now I just have to wait.......

4 Weeks